Therapeutic Modalities

Mindfulness Based Interventions

Mindfulness is a 'way of being' that helps us bring focused attention to our present moment experience and away from challenging sensations, emotions and experiences. Over time, this practice generates new neural networks in the brain (the process of neuroplasticity) by reducing the experience of pain and suffering and generating more meaningful connections in our lives.

Practicing mindfulness consistently can be difficult to achieve on your own.

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and access live webinars and online programs in mindfulness 


Work with a regulated mental health professional
to explore how mindfulness can help you

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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a well validated treatment modality that helps you learn about the interrelationship between your thoughts, emotions and behaviours and how certain patterns of thinking and behaving can be maladaptive and keep you feeling stuck.

Therapy treatment using CBT is a collaborative process and emphasizes skill-building and problem-solving to help you improve functioning. Research shows that between 3-6 sessions of CBT can have a significant impact on mental health events such as anxiety and depression.

Book with a trained CBT therapist

We also explore CBT in our Recovery Mindset Program.

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a type of therapy that involves learning skills to reduce the impact of challenging thoughts and feelings, by identifying what brings meaning to life, and taking steps to align with those values.

The unique goal of ACT is to help individuals shift their relationship to challenging thoughts rather than trying to change or eliminate them. In this way, thoughts can be seen as just thoughts or impermanent experiences that change from moment-to-moment. ACT supports individuals to navigate challenging life experiences and improve quality of life by aligning with their deepest values.

We explore ACT in our
Recovery Mindset Program

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What is Somatic and Polyvagal Informed Therapy?

Somatic Therapy  addresses the mind body connection. It operates off the idea that what happens to you in your life is stored not only in your mind but also in your body. Somatic therapies are different from talk based therapies as they integrate body movement practices to support the processing of traumatic and stressful life events.

At Stillspace, somatic practices involve gentle physical and breath practices to realign the mind body system following adverse health events.  Focused on science-based movement practices, and rooted in Polyvagal Theory, our somatic therapists introduce specific breathwork, body positioning, and body movement practices to restore nervous system function.

Start therapy with a focus on Somatics and Movement

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What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, but it’s not all about the eyes!  EMDR therapy facilitates the processing of traumatic memories and other difficult life experiences to help transform them to an adaptive resolution. EMDR involves a multi-phase treatment approach which includes; history taking, resource development and active reprocessing of identified traumas or stressors. During EMDR therapy the client attends to past traumas and challenges while also focusing on an external stimulus such as lateral eye movements, hand-tapping/stimulation or audio stimulation. Unlike other treatments which focus on thoughts or emotions, EMDR therapy is focused on the memory, and is intended to change the way memory is stord in the brain thus reducing and even eliminating the unhelpful and distressing symptoms.

Book with a trained EMDR therapist

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